2020 ICCR Graduated PhD Students
Clark, Alexander. Implementing the Australian Curriculum in Music: an initial study assessing its praxial potential in secondary schools in Canberra (2020)
Harrison, Andrew. Sounding out the past (2020)
Kinsman, Martha. 'Different but Equal': The Rise and Demise of the TAFE Teachers Association of Australia 1964 - 1992 (2020)
Menzies, Isa. Horses for Discourses: a critical examination of the horse in Australian culture (2020)
Wensing, Emma. Crafty Commemoration: Vernacular responses to the Centenary of World War One (2020)
Zhang, Lansheng. The Spirit of Individualism: Avant-Garde Art in Shanghai 1979-1989 (2020)