Guest editorial: Heritage interpretation, conflict and reconciliation in East Asia
Author/editor: Yujie Zhu, William Logan
Year published: 2022

Fiction as Counter Memory: Writing Armenia and Palestine in Aline Ohanesian’s Orhan’s Inheritance and Susan Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin
Author/editor: Nina Fischer & Kate Mitchell
Year published: 2021

The US-Thai Alliance and Asian International Relations: History, Memory and Current Developments
Author/editor: Gregory Raymond, John Blaxland
Year published: 2021

From the Transnational to the Intimate: Multidirectional Memory, the Holocaust and Colonial Violence in Australia and Beyond
Author/editor: Rosanne Kennedy & Sulamith Graefenstein
Year published: 2019

Transitional justice and the spaces of memory activism in Timor-Leste and Aceh
Author/editor: Lia Kent
Year published: 2019

Reparative transnationalism: The friction and fiction of remembering in Sierra Leone
Author/editor: Rosanne Kennedy
Year published: 2018
Commemoration from a Distance: On Metamemorial Fiction
Author/editor: Shameem Black
Year published: 2011