Dr Alex Burchmore (Centre for Art History & Art Theory) has been announced as the recipient of the 2018 Oxford Art Journal Essay Prize, for his paper 'La maladie de porcelaine: Liu Jianhua’s Regular/Fragile (2007) at Oxburgh Hall and the history of massed porcelain display in English aristocratic interiors'. Dr. Burchmore's paper will be published in the forthcoming issue of the journal.
In celebration of his award-winning paper, read an interview with Alex Burchmore about his research, early career journey, and tips for submitting to the Essay Prize here.
Dr Alex Burchmore completed his PhD in Chinese art history through the Centre for Art History & Art Theory in 2018. His research focuses on the use of porcelain by Chinese contemporary artists as part of a longer history of global ceramics export and exchange between China and the world, though he is also interested more broadly in issues of travel and translation across cultures, and in both contemporary and historical Chinese art. Prior to commencing his PhD studies, Alex graduated from the University of Adelaide with a double Master of Arts in Art History and Curatorial & Museum Studies in 2013, then spent a year living and studying in Beijing after receiving a Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Endeavour Postgraduate Award.