In Memory of Mawalan
Book launch
Film screening and director's talk Director Ian Dunlop will introduce a rare screening on In Memory of Mawalan, an ealry 1970s film featuring the elaborate rituals that took place at the memorial of Aboriginal clan leader Mawalan. Presented in association with the Yalangbara exhibition of artworks…
HRC Seminar - Affecting Politics: Points for Future Living in Postapartheid Narrative
Can there be history in affect? Is affect historical? This paper explores the study of affect in relation to the powerful plots of trauma and memory that have shaped discourse on post-apartheid remembering. While frequently cast as an ahistorical, atemporal shock to the system, be it…
HRC Seminar - War and Peace and Nigeria: Modernity, Postcolonialism and the Historical Novel
Postcolonial approaches to historical fiction typically focus on questions of representation, epistemology, and discursive struggles over the right to narrate. While these are often illuminating, they tend to privilege a ‘resistance’ model that sees novelists as pitting themselves against…
HRC - Special Seminar Event - Britain, Written Constitutions and the World, 1780-2000
After the American and French Revolutions, new-style written constitutions came progressively to be viewed as an essential symbol and component of a modern state. Britain however both fiercely resisted these revolutions at the time, and has also retained its un-codified constitution…
Sir David Cannadine, FBA is a known for a number of ground-breaking books, including The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, The Rise and Fall of Class in Britain, Ornamentalism and most recently a celebrated biography of Andrew Mellon. He is also noted as a regular public commentator on…
HRC Seminar - The “All-Clear” Incarnate? Helmut Kohl’s Nationalism and the Quest for Normalcy
This paper is about the nationalism of Helmut Kohl, the so-called Chancellor of Unity. Biography helps to understand the formation of personal nationalism, which relies on a particular repertoire of self-images that the nationalist can mobilise to represent his ideal notion of nation and himself. I…
HRC Seminar - Archive Fever: The Salman Rushdie Papers
‘What is this compared with what I shall tell you tomorrow night if the king spares me and lets me live.’ –The Arabian Nights The Salman Rushdie papers are in the Robert W Woodruff Library [Manuscript, Archives and Rare Books Library] of Emory University. The archive was purchased for an…