A Roundtable on ‘The Fate of Disciplines’
Panellists Include Dr Fiona Jenkins, Philosophy, RSSS Professor Paul Pickering, History, RSHA Moderated By Dr Debjani Ganguly In 2009, Professor Chandler edited a special issue of Critical Inquiry entitled ‘The Fate of Disciplines’. In a series of illuminating essays, this…
Writing a Biography of John Keats
In this talk, Professor Nicholas Roe will discuss his new biography on the Romantic poet John Keats. Nicholas Roe is Professor of English at the University of St Andrews, founding editor of the journal Romanticism, and the author of several other books that have helped shape the…
The 6th Anthony Forge Memorial Lecture - Art that is not language: Anthony Forge and Kamasan painting
This lecture will discuss the work of Professor Anthony Forge in the field of Balinese painting. Anthony Forge argued that art has a visual quality, summed up by a quoted line from dancer Isadore Duncan who said ‘If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point in dancing it’. His…
Iconic songs - performance & book launch
In an absolutely unmissable session, singers Neil Murray and Shane Howard describe the amazing process of committing these songs to a series of newly published books. The musicians will perform, describe their experiences and underline the massive cultural significance of the iconic songs they…
Work-in-Progress Seminar - Exploring International Disability Culture: A fictocritical/performative approach to visiting Australia
In this presentation, Petra Kuppers will share some of her current work-in-progress. The material develops through practice-led research in creative/critical methodologies, in particular Petra's exploration of fictocritical approaches, a newly energetic genre in Australia. The body of work she is…
Work-in-Progress Seminar - Beckett, Sterne and the novel of sensibility
This paper presents a chapter from a work in progress provisionally titled ‘All I Am Is Feeling’: Sentiment and Sensibility in Samuel Beckett’s Post-War Writing. It seeks to establish the eighteenth-century ‘novel of sensibility’, in particular the work of Laurence Sterne, as a frame of reference…
Eric Rolls Memorial Lecture - Fire in 1788: the closest ally
please be seated by 6 pm no charge for admission refreshments served 7.15 pm to 8.15pm bookings essential for catering fellow@watermarkliterarysociety.asn.au Eric Rolls had a country mind and a country eye. He knew the bush as a great teacher, and he was forever alert…